Thursday, January 27, 2011

Word of the Week...

Here's the latest admonition from the Mean Ol' Schoolmarm. Don't mess with her. She'll whack your knuckles with a ruler. 

The Mean Ol’ Schoolmarm Moment of the day is…
Compliment v. Complement
Compliment: an expression of admiration, congratulations, and/or praise.
Complement: something that completes nicely, makes a whole, or makes perfect.
The word compliment is often incorrectly used in place of complement.
Correct: The music was the perfect complement to the slideshow.
Incorrect: The music was the perfect compliment to the slideshow.
Correct: The man’s business partner brought complementary strengths to the table.
Incorrect: The man’s business partner brought complimentary strengths to the table.

(Note: there are alternate definitions for complement, but I’m focusing on the one that causes the most confusion.)
Compliment = To offer praise. He paid me the highest compliment yesterday.
Complement = To complete or make whole. Marie’s outgoing personality proved to be the perfect complement to her husband’s shyness.

Until Next Time,
The Mean Ol’ Schoolmarm

Sunday, January 23, 2011

An Apple A Day...

I hope you are all reading and keeping up with your work currently!  I cannot wait to get started working with you all at the gym.  In the mean time, I will post a list of recommended readings, of books I hope to cover before summer.

Good Luck this Saturday!
